We are very happy, that our friend Rolf, who ownes the brother Uno from Tala and the half brother Xtreme did invite us to denmark for the "Eating with the Wolves". Myla, Tala and me will go over there and on next day it is the Worlddogshow 2010 in Herning and the day after is denish clubshow where our friend and breeder from Tala will judge the show and Myla will take part. She is a bit to fat and not in such extraordinary good condition like in 2007 where she won the czech republik clubshow but I think we will do the show.
Wir fahren auf Einladung von Rolf, der Uno Talas Bruder hat, nach Dänemark und Essen mit den Wölfen. Am nächsten Tag werden wir die Welthundeausstellung besuchen und am Tag danach wird Myla in der Dänischen Clubshow starten. Monika wird richten, sie mag Myla eigentlich nicht....
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